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Terrington St Clement Community School

A traditional school with traditional values where

we aspire, succeed and thrive

EYFS Curriculum

We follow the EYFS statutory framework (January 2024) and will work towards the final assessment at the end of the Reception year, using the Early Learning Goals (ELGs). These goals are short statements that teachers assess learners against at the end of the year. 

Our learners experience a play-based curriculum which has a balance of child-initiated and adult-led activities. We use our skills and expertise to create routines, build relationships, develop activities and resources in a rich learning environment which provides learners with the opportunities and conditions to flourish in all aspects of their development. We provide balance across the areas of learning and look to identify each learner’s specific needs, strengths and next steps, so that they can make excellent progress.

Our learning is based around quality texts to develop reading for pleasure; imaginative storytelling and writing. In Mathematics, we follow the White Rose scheme of work to ensure firm foundations in Maths. This is all supplemented by termly topics and themes to explore, covering the Areas of Learning for Understanding the World and Expressive Arts & Design. 

The EYFS curriculum is divided into 7 areas of learning, 3 Prime Areas of Learning and 4 Specific Areas of Learning. 

The Prime Areas of Learning are:

  • Communication & Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social & Emotional Development

The Specific Areas of Learning are:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts & Design

You can find further information about the curriculum under the side tabs:

  • Prime Areas of Learning
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding of the World & Expressive Arts & Design

Long Term Overview - topic/ themes 

  Autumn Spring Summer
Term 1 Who am I? Traditional Tales Ready Steady Grow
Term 2 Celebrations Where We Live/ All Around the World Just Imagine