Private Fostering
We have a duty to report any suspected incidents of private fostering to the local safeguarding board in order to ensure the safety of our learners. Private Fostering is a private arrangement when a child under the age of 16 (or 18 if the child has a disability) lives with someone who is NOT a close relative for 28 days or more. This arrangement is called 'private' due to being arranged between the child's parents and the carer.
Common examples of Private Fostering arrangements are:
- A child living with a friend's family due to family breakdown or any of the following:
- A child from overseas staying with a host family while attending a language school
- A child living with someone from their extended family such as a cousin or great aunt
- A child staying with another family because their family works long or unsociable hours
- A child whose parents work away (or in armed forces) for periods of time.
- A child who was adopted in another country, where the adoption is not legally recognised in the UK.
What is not Private Fostering?:
- When a child is living with a close relative ie: their grandparents, aunt, uncle, brother, sister or step-parents (where of full blood, half blood or marriage / civil partnership)
- When a social worker is instrumental in arranging/setting up or placing a child.