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Terrington St Clement Community School

A traditional school with traditional values where

we aspire, succeed and thrive

Latest News

Page 15

  • 05/11/14

    Cross Country Competition

    Congratulation to all the cross country runners.
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  • 22/10/14

    Lost property

    All lost property has been sorted into categories.  Please come to the office if you see something you think may belong to your child.
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  • 16/10/14

    Cross Country Competition

    Cluster Cross Country Competition on Wednesday 15th October 2014
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  • 15/10/14

    Hockey Festival

    Year 5/6 children enjoying taking part in the hockey festival.
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  • 09/10/14

    Diversity Rangers

    Diversity ranges for September 2014 were Shantelle Ingram and Sarah James.
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  • 30/09/14

    Time credits

    Don't forget to sign up for the time credit scheme.
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  • 23/07/14

    Goodbye Year 6

    Good luck to all our year 6 pupils who left on July 23rd. 
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  • 23/07/14

    Cycling Test

    Well done to our twelve year 6 pupils who passed their cycling test with flying colours.  The test included a multiple choice paper and a road test.  The gentlemen who tested the pupils said they were the most confident cyclists he had tested this year! 
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  • 23/07/14

    Book Fair

      Many thanks to all those parents who supported our recent Book Fair, and to FOSA for running the fair for us.  We raised £ 534.17.  This meant that each age group had nearly £70 to spend on books for their classes.      
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  • 17/07/14

    We are a good school!

    It's official - we are a good school again for the second consecutive inspection!  The report has been sent home via the children and is on the website.  Have a look and let us know what you think.
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  • 15/07/14

    Community Cup football tournament at Lynn Sport

    On Thursday 19th June, we entered two football teams in the community cup football tournament at Lynn Sport.
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