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Terrington St Clement Community School

A traditional school with traditional values where

we aspire, succeed and thrive

Latest News

Page 12

  • 20/04/16

    St George's Day

    To celebrate St George's day your child can come to school on Friday wearing red and white.
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  • 13/04/16

    Netball Tournament

    Click here to find out how we got on in our latest competition.
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  • 11/04/16

    Phone lines

    If you need to contact the school, please email to as we have no phone lines at the moment.  They should be fixed on Tuesday 12th April in the morning.
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  • 18/03/16

    Sport Relief 2016

    The school have raised £442.00 for Sport Relief - well done and thank you.
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  • 09/03/16

    Class Photographs

    Thursday 10th March is class photograph day!
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  • 29/02/16

    World Book Day

    Your child can come dressed as their favourite book character on Thursday 3rd March but this is optional.
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  • 03/02/16

    Norfolk Schools Cross Country Finals

    On 1st February, four runners who had qualified for the cross country finals through two previous rounds, competed in the Norfolk finals in Holt.  Fortunately the weather was kind and it stayed dry, if a little blowy.
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  • 21/01/16

    School book club

    Don't forget to place your orders by 29th January 2016.
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  • 19/01/16

    Chippy Chippy Bang Bang

    Don't forget it's the Chippy Chippy Bang Bang bag meal on Thursday 21st January!
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  • 18/12/15

    New Hoodies

    Here are our new sports hoodies, modelled by our house captains. We would like to say a big thank you to the Terrington Community Fund who generously donated half the cost of the hoodies. Our children will wear them when they represent the school for sporting activities. We think they look great!
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  • 15/12/15

    Christmas Jumper Day

    Don't forget it's Christmas Jumper Day on Thursday 17th December.  Please send your child(ren) with £1 for wearing a Christmas jumper.
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